The BBC still has work to do when it comes to its impartiality
Overestimating Demographics – New CCS poll by YouGov
What percentage of the adult British population do you think are Asian? How about the percentage who are bisexual? If your grasp of demography reflects that of the general population then you are likely to exaggerate these numbers. New YouGov polling data commissioned by the Campaign for Common Sense shows that the British population generally […]
The BBC’s Gender Confusion – new CCS research
Few issues arouse as much passion and fury amongst those engaged with them as those of gender identity and transgender rights.
And few institutions are as well placed as the BBC to facilitate meaningful dialogue on the issues and enable greater understanding between people and society in general.
However, as this report shows, when it comes to dealing with transgender issues, the BBC is not an impartial observer and often an active and biased participant.
Culture, political parties, and the public – new CCS research
There is much mention these days of a “culture war” between ‘woke’ radical activists & more conservative types. Some believe that these sort of issues explain voting patterns in recent times.
Apples & Pears – new CCS research
Too many claims and conclusions about representation are made based on inappropriate comparisons or misleading statistics. Worse, they are reported and repeated uncritically by sympathetic journalists and activists. Dodgy diversity data divides us and makes things worse, not better. We’ve looked at a few examples & considered how they could have been portrayed differently.
A Barrel of Laughs – new CCS research
The BBC has a problem with the limited range of comedians it gives profile to.
During November we recorded which comedians appeared on BBC 1, BBC 2, and Radio 4 , and researched their public stance on politics, Brexit, and identity politics (“woke”). The results were not pretty.