Culture, political parties, and the public – new CCS research
Published By
Mark Lehain
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There is much mention these days of a “culture war” between ‘woke’ radical activists & more conservative types. Some believe that these sort of issues explain voting patterns in recent times.
We wanted to understand where the public are on some ‘woke’ issues & also where they think the main political parties are. The results make for interesting reading for both Labour & the Conservatives. We found:
- Culture seems to have become for Labour what the NHS was to the Conservatives for so long - its perceived values & priorities are out of step with the public; and
- The Conservatives can confidently take a stand on these issues knowing that they are more in tune with the British public.
There are lessons for both main parties:
- If Labour want to earn the right to be heard, they need to convince people they share their cultural values & don’t look down on them. They have a long way to go on this.
- The Conservatives are perceived as in tune with people & should continue championing the common ground.
There is a big positive finding here: the public do NOT want divisive culture war issues driving things. None of the issues polled had anywhere near majority support. Those trying to import the kind of extreme ideas that have polarised the USA will have to contend with the common sense British public.